Christmas Through the Eyes of...
Christmas time, for all of us, can bring about a lot of different emotions & feelings. The same was true over 2000 years ago when Jesus was born. This advent season, we look at Christmas through the eyes of those who experienced it, to see what we can learn about God, our relationship with Him, and how we can trust Him with our lives.
Upside Down Kingdom
Jesus came to establish his Kingdom here on earth, and in doing so, he exposed the worlds value system, showing us that we're actually living for a kingdom that has so many things upside down. A kingdom that values the very things God hates and discourages the things that please him. In this series we seek to realign our understanding, and bring clarity to this world we live in.
Easter 2021
​Jesus extended patience and compassion toward his disciples who struggled to understand and believe in the resurrection. If he is able to do extend this toward those who physically saw & touched him, how much more is he willing to extend that same patience and compassion toward us today?
Throughout the year, we will preach messages that will not be a part of an on-going series. You will find those messages here.
STAND - Daniel
We live in a world that’s continually pushing against our core beliefs and forcing us to take a STAND. Daniel knew what that was like, and he was constantly faced with the decision to either, take a stand or conform to those around him. We all have that same choice to make, but the question is, will we sit back or will we take a stand.
Respectable Sins
We can become really good at pointing out the "big" sins in our culture & others. But when we do this, we begin to lose touch with the reality of our own sin. This is especially true when it comes to those sins that are more "acceptable". We justify our actions, and think “well at least I don’t do that”. In this series we seek to get to the root of these “respectable sins” and unearth the devastation they truly bring.
Exiles in Hope - 1 Peter
As Christians, we know this place is not our final destination. We belong to a kingdom, that is not fully realized. In this series we explore what it looks like to live in a world in which we are exiles and how we look not to the things of this world, but to the one to come for hope.
Pressure Points - James
This is the first part, in a two-part series looking at the book of James. James more than any other book in the New Testament, lays out for us what it looks to put our faith​ in action. Specifically, James gives us wisdom for how we ought to handle the every day pressures of life.
Spiritual Habits
At the beginning of each year, many of us make goals for our lives. We desire a better version of ourselves. But how many of us are investing in goals or habits that benefit us for eternity? In this series we explore spiritual habits for our everyday lives, that won't just benefit us for our present life, but for eternity.
(Current Series)